Brrr! Temperatures are dropping again in Valorant as Riot brings back Icebox to the Ranked map pool starting from Episode 8! Instead, another active map will be temporarily removed.

Since Episode 6 Act 3, we've been missing Icebox in Valorant. Tastes vary and not everyone liked the map, but most have been longing for its return. It was also a favorite in pro play. Starting from Episode 8, we'll see Icebox again, but temporarily, we'll have to say goodbye to Haven!
Hello Icebox and Goodbye Haven - Episode 8 Map Pool Changes
When is Episode 8 starting?
Episode 8 kicks off on January 10, 2024 and that's when Icebox makes a return to Ranked play according to Valorant leakers on X. It fits well since we'll be still in winter season.
Icebox is coming BACK, haven is going OUT | #VALORANT Episode 8 is going to have a map pool change with Icebox coming back and Haven leaving.
— Valorant Updates (@ValorantUpdated) December 28, 2023
As an Omen player, I'm thrilled about Icebox coming back. It's a complex map with many boxes where you can teleport onto. However, Haven won't be part of the lineup for an indefinite period.
Wondering about changes to Icebox?
Typically, when a map is removed from the Valorant Ranked map pool, it receives a rework before being reintroduced, but there have been no leaks regarding Icebox changes so far. We'll keep you updated!
I hope they tweak the Operator angle at A-side entrance—it was a bit annoying when caught off guard there. Plus, the map was more favorable for attackers, especially in mid there were several paths the attackers could push or lurk from, including the tunnel.