Wondering what Zekken is using for VCT 2023? Be sure to look into this article!

Zachary "Zekken" Patrone is one of the best Duelist players on the NA scene, currently representing Sentinels along with TenZ. If you've ever come across a YouTube Short or TikTok in which Zekken shows off his aim skills, then there's a good chance you were pretty stunned, as this guy can really work magic. So, if you have been wondering what kind of setup he uses for all this, you'll find all the settings and hardware right here in this article, and be warned, not all settings will be so obvious; there will be plenty of interesting solutions.
SEN Zekken: Mouse Settings
Setting | Value |
DPI | 1600 DPI |
eDPI | 280 |
Sensitivity | 0.175 |
Scoped Sensitivity | 0.8 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Looking at Zekken's mouse settings, we can see sky-high DPI and super low sensitivity. Many of you will probably find such settings inconvenient, but, well, Zekken feels good about them! What's more, it's great proof that you can achieve great success using any settings, as long as you feel comfortable.
SEN Zekken: Keybinds
Setting | Value |
Walk | Left Shift |
Crouch | Left Control |
Jump | Space Bar |
Use Object | F |
Primary Weapon | 1 |
Secondary Weapon | 2 |
Melee Weapon | 3 |
Spike | 4 |
Ability 1 | Q |
Ability 2 | E |
Ability 3 | C |
Ultimate Ability | X |
SEN Zekken: Radar
Setting | Value |
Rotate | On |
Keep Player Centered | On |
Minimap Size | 0.8 |
Minimap Zoom | 0.9 |
Minimap Vision Cones | On |
Show Map Region Names | Never |
Zekken's radar settings are not significantly different from other pro players; we would say that they are fairly standard. The only interesting thing is "Keep Player Centered" set to "On," as this can slightly reduce the visibility of the map. Still, most pro players prefer it this way, and so does Zekken!
SEN Zekken: Crosshair
Setting | Value |
Color | White |
Outlines | Off |
Center Dot | Off |
Inner Lines | 1 / 4 / 2 / 0 |
Outer Lines | Off |
Errors | All Off |
SEN Zekken: Video Settings
Setting | Value |
Material Quality | Low |
Detail Quality | Low |
Texture Quality | Low |
UI Quality | Low |
Vignette | Off |
VSync | Off |
Anti-Aliasing | None |
Anisotropic Filtering | 1x |
Improve Clarity | Off |
Bloom | On |
Distortion | Off |
Shadows | Off |
As most pro players, Zekken cares about the highest FPS values possible, so most of his settings are on "low". This is crucial if you care about winning, as smoothness always wins over a pretty gameplay.
SEN Zekken: Hardware
Mouse | Logitech G Pro X Superlight |
Mousepad | Gamesense Radar |
Keyboard | Wooting 60 HE |
Monitor | ZOWIE XL2546 |
Graphics Card | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti |