The upcoming duelist agent isn't even out yet, and the streamers that have early access to him have already found a counter to his apparent "OP" ultimate. Here's what it is.

Only four days separate us from Iso's upcoming release to Valorant's agent pool, and people are slowly but surely getting ready for his incoming spam in pubs. There are tons of opinions about him and if you wish to find out the more important ones i.e. his strengths and weaknesses check out Valorant's New Agent Iso - Strengths And Weaknesses, where we've analyzed him from head to toe and brought you a report to get you ready for next week.
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Valorant Streamer Ren Has Found A Hillarious Counter To Iso's Ultimate
Streamers and influencers alike have early access to everything that's new and upcoming in Valorant. For the past week we could see tons of them try out Iso, and something extremely hilarious happened to Rem. Once trapped in his ultimate, enemies will have a duel to the death with Iso in a separate dueling place. The surviving player will be back onto the map, and if no one wins the duel, both of the duelists will get downed.
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Rem was happy he dueled Yoru, only to find out it was his clone and yes, you can trap the clone in Iso's ultimate. Let's just say, Yoru played his Uno Reverse card, and actually trapped Ren himself in his Iso ultimate. Ofcourse nothing came out of it, as Ren killed the clone and came back to his team. We know you are super curious about Yoru's POV, and luckily his name is rob, and he was streaming the game as well!
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A lesson for next week, whatever body is closest to Iso will get priority to enter the Duel of Death with him regardless of whether it's a clone, or an actual Agent. This encounter isn't special only to Iso, as the case is the same with Deadlock's ultimate as she can as well catch a clone in her ultimate.
Yoru is not a meta duelist right now, and with the pro's getting nervous about the same agent's getting picked over and over again, maybe this is his chance to shine. His current win-rate is the 3rd worst in Valorant with just 46.8%, only having Harbor & KAY/O behind him. Let's see how Iso's release affects that, and we will come back next week with a report about it.

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