Valorant: How To Get The Shuriken Crosshair

The number of "weird' crosshairs in Valorant is increasing by the day, and well.. most are hilarious & barely usable. The shuriken crosshair on the other hand is weird but a very meta & useful crosshair. Here's how to get it.

Shuriken Crosshair Valorant
Already feeling like a ninja? | © Riot Games

Crosshairs are the most vital part of your everyday Valorant life. You start with one, get used to it, and usually stick to it forever. That's true for most of the cases, or until you encounter a hilarious enough crosshair that will make your mind go crazy to the point where you actually want to try playing with it. In this article we won't have a hilarious one, but it's very unusual. You can get the Shuriken crosshair by either making it yourself in the crosshair settings or just copy-pasting the crosshair code we exported just for you.

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The Shuriken Crosshair In Valorant

We will start off with the "miy" tutorial, and show you how you can make your very own shuriken crosshair. If you're too lazy and want to get straight to the point, scroll down a bit, and you'll find the crosshair code with the already-done Shuriken. Feel free to change the color afterward to whichever pleases your mind.


How To Make The Shuriken Crosshair In Valorant Settings

Let's start off by opening Valorant, and heading straight for the Crosshair tab in Settings. Once there, make sure to create a new profile and name it whatever you want. We will make it as basic as possible and go with "SHURIKEN". Once finished, tick the Advanced Settings Options to ON, and do the settings listed below in our table for the Primary Tab settings.

Crosshair Color#00FFFF (Cyan)
Outline Opacity0.5
Outline Thickness1
Center DotOff
Center Dot Opacity1
Center Dot Thickness2
Override Firing Error Offset With Crosshair OffsetOff
Override All Primary Crosshairs With My Primary CrosshairOff

As Crosshair Color we went with Cyan, but as we mentioned before, feel free to experiment and choose whichever looks comfy to your eye. The next two tables will be about the Inner & Outer Lines Sections. Make sure you choose the same ones as shown below.

Show Inner LinesOn
Inner Line Opacity1
Inner Line Length3 / 3
Inner Line Thickness1
Inner Line Offset2
Movement ErrorOff
Movement Error Multiplier1
Firing ErrorOff
Firing Error Multiplier1

In the Inner Line Lenght, make sure the button in between the two values is clicked as ON. The next table will be about the Outer Lines Section.

Show Outer LinesOn
Outer Line Opacity1
Outer Line Length3 / 3
Outer Line Thickness3
Outer Line Offset0
Movement ErrorOff
Movement Error Multiplier1
Firing ErrorOff
Firing Error Multiplier1

The Aim Down Sights & Sniper Scope can be settings from your previous/default crosshair as they will not interact with your super awesome Shuriken crosshair. Once you're done with the settings above, you have your very own hand-crafted shuriken crosshair. The main perk of having this crosshair is the excitement and ego boost you will get while clutching alone vs an X amount of your enemies. Your friends will have to watch you try to win a round for them with a crosshair that's not meant to be used outside of the practice lobbies and silver-rank games.


Valorant Shuriken Crosshair Code

For the lazies, below you can find the crosshair code that you can use to import the one that's explained in the guide above. It will not be handcrafted as that one but will do the exact same things and save you some time.

Shuriken Crosshair Code: 0;s;1;P;c;5;h;0;f;0;0t;1;0l;3;0v;3;0g;1;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1t;3;1l;3;1v;3;1g;1;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0

If you haven't learned yet how to Export or Import Crosshairs, visit How To Import/Export Crosshairs In Valorant. That's it for this guide, hope your ninja skills will show up somewhere while using this shuriken crosshair.

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Stefan Nikolovski

Stefan is obsessed with gaming as a whole but fell deeply in love with Valorant. He got to platinum just by playing Reyna and has felt like he is forever indebted to the community for that....