Valorant: Which Agents To Pick On Sunset?

Is Sunset usually the map where you struggle in Valorant? Check below to find out which agents perform best on Sunset and the team comps that your enemies won't be able to handle!

Valorant sunset map

Sunset is the latest addition to Valorant's map pool and of course, there are certain agents whose abilities are especially strong for clearing specific corners or holding a site. If your aim isn't going well, you can still shine with your abilities after all.

Agent Meta For Sunset


As always, we need to differentiate between Ranked and Pro Play. In Ranked, people will always have Jett and Reyna as the highest pick rates, no matter which map. However, this doesn't always lead to a win.

Even though we haven't seen Sunset in official Riot tournaments yet, in some off-season events, most teams prefer Raze as their only duelist. But even for you with random team comps, it would be useful. Why? She can clear tight corridors well with her abilities. Her grenade is handy to clear the site and most of the times the enemy's aim isn't good enough to kill her mid-air.


Here, Pro players and Ranked players surprisingly agree. Omen and Astra are the go-to picks for Sunset. They can place their smokes over long distances. In Pro Play, sometimes Viper is used alongside another smoker.


In the off-season events, we mostly saw Fade and Breach as Initiators on Sunset. However, in Ranked, Skye is the most picked initiator class, but it's similar to the situation with Jett and Reyna. Skye is the most picked initiator on other maps as well. Yet, during the Afreeca TV League event in 2023, we saw PRX making Gekko work on Sunset.


This map has somewhat shifted the Killjoy dominance and instead, Cypher buffs have worked wonders. Cypher is by far the most picked agent on Sunset, both in Ranked and in esports. His traps are just really nasty to pass through, and there is some creativity in how to place them. Sunset has also brought back Chamber, who was hit hard with nerfs. He performs really well on Sunset, as he can get picks from Mid or B Main and use his trap to control the other entrance to the site.

Ina Zukina

Hi, I'm Ina! Since I'm writing here a lot about Valorant, it makes sense that I'm a passionate gamer in my personal life as well. My love-hate relationship with Valorant has been going on for about a year and a half now. We've had our ups and downs. Occasionally, I also play MMOs for some nostalgic fun....