Valorant: How To Win More Clutches And Matches - Easy Strategies

Remember the following strategies in your matches and increase the like hood of winning more clutches and games! They're pretty simple and don't even require any fancy aim training.

Neon Valorant
Always make the best out of your situation and collect those Ws | © FeiHai

If your fingers start trembling at the line 'last player standing,' you're in the right place. Below, you'll find some tips on how to increase your chances of winning in clutch scenarios. Plus, you'll get strategies on how to tackle matches, especially when you're on the losing end. Get ready for the ultimate comeback!

Win More Matches and Clutches in Valorant: Boost Your Odds for Victory

Always Be At Least One Step Ahead

You can apply this already in the loading screen. Take a look at the enemy lineup. Which agent are they playing and what abilities do they have in the first round? For example, Raze has a grenade. It's always frustrating and can make you feel like a bot when you get taken out by a Raze grenade, which you could have easily dodged.

Skye Valorant WP
Beware of Skye's and Fade's dogs or the Sova dart. | © Wallpaper Abyss

Consider the enemy Initiator abilities when holding a site. Or ask a teammate to destroy the reveal for you if you're in a sneaky angle.

Also, keep an eye on the in-game ultimate status. If Brimstone is cooking up an ultimate, you should tap the spike as quickly as possible. Or, as an attacker on Acent B, maybe don't wait for the enemies in the backside of the site if you don't want to get wiped out by Brimmy's ult.

Analyze Your Enemies

Lost a few rounds? We've all been there. Some might even throw in the towel by the fourth round. Instead, you should play a bit of detective and analyze your enemies.

Split Map
Playing Default On Split | © Riot games/EarlyGame
  • Do they rotate fast? Give 'em a Hollywood-worthy fake on a site.
  • Do they flank every round? Play default! (Hold all possible entrances without committing, making it easy to punish aggressive enemies. One or two teammates should make some noice to make it work better).
  • Pay attention to the plays your enemies make and don't get fooled twice.
  • Do the enemies patiently hold their defender positions and you struggle to get in? Try baiting out their abilities first and maybe play for picks. Alternatively, if there's a mid in the map, push there with teammates and have one hold a common flank spot.

How Do I Act In Clutch Situations?

Many players feel their heart pounding in those situations. First calm yourself down for clear thinking. Then you might activate the clutch mute key to mute your cheerleading squad – I mean, teammates.

Especially if you hear footsteps after the spike is tapped, hold your horses. It's crucial not to rush or panic. Remember, it takes 7 seconds to defuse the spike and 3.5 seconds to halfway defuse.

You can stay 2 seconds behind your cover and throw in a jump or jiggle peek to check if the enemy is defusing. Most enemies fake the defuse, so the worst thing you can do is completely leave your cover in the first second.

You basically dance with the enemy until they run out of time. Think of it as a dance competition next time; maybe you won't be as nervous and will focus more on your movement.

If you're the defuser, instead of always faking immediately, you can try sticking it to halfway when time is running out. During the defuse, make sure to position your crosshair where you expect the enemy to peek. Once they peek, release the defuse and you might still win the gunfight.

If you have enough time, quietly clear the angles where you suspect the enemy.

If you are smoked and want to stick it, defuse as far to the side of the spike as your virtual hips allow. Additionally, turn your head away from the spike. This minimizes the risk of being sprayed down.

"The Rule of Quantity"

I came up with this name myself, but let's get down to business. In most cases, it depends on how many enemies you're facing and how many of your teammates are still alive.

Picture this: it's a 2v5 situation - time to channel your inner action hero! Go all-in, play more aggressively and actively seek fights until the number of enemies and your teammates evens out. Then you can switch back to playing defensive.

Don't sit around waiting for the enemies to push you all together. Surprise them, while they're rotating, isolate fights, hold an unexpected angle and so on.

Winning an 11 hp clutch by isolating fights | © EarlyGame

So, in summary: be a fearless aggressor when outnumbered, and cuddle up defensively with your teammates against fewer enemies.

As Valorant gameplay is highly situational, I can't guarantee that this approach will work in all scenarios. However, as a general rule, you can keep this in mind.

In many of the strategies mentioned, you've got to communicate with your teammates. I know, it's not always easy, as some just don't want to cooperate, but hey, give it a shot. Sometimes they are actually nice and are willing to work with you. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Ina Zukina

Hi, I'm Ina! Since I'm writing here a lot about Valorant, it makes sense that I'm a passionate gamer in my personal life as well. My love-hate relationship with Valorant has been going on for about a year and a half now. We've had our ups and downs. Occasionally, I also play MMOs for some nostalgic fun....