Mid-match, it's not always on your or your teammates' radar to clear the following corners, risking a swift round loss.
Clearing corners in Valorant may be a hassle, but it's essential—especially when you can't entirely rely on your initiator or duelists. Sometimes, you've got to do it yourself, also if you want to avoid jump scares.
Once you make a habit of clearing these corners, you'll find yourself raging less and punishing enemies for attempting those sneaky plays!
10 Annoying Corners And How To Clear Them
Bind: Close Left Corner At A Bath
This corner is easy to clear. Stand a bit back for an angle advantage; you'll see the enemy's shoulder since they hug the wall. So, just clear it, it's that simple.
Bind: Right Corner At B Garden
Also here, you can clear the corner with an angle advantage. You can jiggle peek to do it.
Sunset: Behind The Box Of B Main
If you have abilities like a Molly or initiator skills, you can use them to clear the corner. Otherwise, consider pushing it with your team, but be cautious as someone might be on the right side at the entrance of the site.
Sunset: Close Left And Right Corners At B Site
Someone can be on top of the box on the left side at the entrance to the B site and on the right, there's a corner where you can easily catch and kill someone if they are there.
Haven: Close Left Corner At A Sewer
This corner can also be cleared using abilities like mollies. If not, consider not pushing A short (unless you have good movement to check this corner safely), especially if you suspect the enemy team is on an eco and might be holding there with shotguns.
Ascent: A Wine
Occasionally, you and your teammates can get caught off-guard from A Wine. Here, you can throw mollies or personally check it before entering the site.
Ascent: B Site Right Corner Next to Market
We all hate this corner, don't we? We've probably stood there ourselves to surprise others, yet it still happens that we miss someone in that spot. It usually occurs when we're rushing to B site or busy worrying about CT. So, just keep it in mind. For the nerds: there are also molly line-ups for this corner.
Breeze: Left and Right Corners at Site Entrance of A
Despite Breeze being such a large map, it often happens that my teammates die from these close angles on A site. The best way to avoid this is with flashes and initiator abilities.
Breeze: Mid Top Right Side
And let's not forget: someone can also hide behind that box at the top mid corner. Just shoot at the box and then win the aim duel.