Deadlock Guide - Tips And Tricks

Interested in playing Deadlock but hesitant to pick her in Valorant Ranked? Here are some tips and tricks your enemies will hate you for!

Deadlock Wallpaper
Discover how versatile Deadlock really is. © Riot Games/WallpaperCG

Deadlock is not your typical Sentinel. Even though she doesn't boast a high pick rate, her play style as a Sentinel is designed for a reactive approach, unlike other Sentinels. Killjoy and Cypher players often find themselves disappointed when their setup on a site isn't pushed and they have to rotate with little to no utility. This is exactly why some players have fallen in love with Deadlock and regularly choose to play her. If you feel the same way, the guide below covers everything you need to get started with Deadlock!

Deadlock Guide - The Best Ways To Use Her Abilities

Abilities 2
Deadlock's Abilities © Riot Games/EarlyGame

E = Barrier Mesh

How to properly place the barrier. © Riot Games/EarlyGame

Be careful not to peek directly when the barrier is shot at by multiple enemies, as the barrier is transparent, and you can kill enemies on the other side. If you are sure that there is only one or at most two enemies, you can peek carefully to potentially eliminate someone.

Instead of using the barrier right at the beginning of the round, you can, for example ask an initiator to check if someone is on your site. Or listen for information yourself, but don't take too long, as this can end deadly.

Blocking deeper entrances:

Deeper site
Place the barrier in deeper entrances as well. © Riot Games/EarlyGame

However, you will notice as the match progresses that attackers can take down your entrance barrier in a matter of seconds. Additionally, some agents can bypass the barrier with their abilities, such as Omen with his teleport.

Depending on the situation, you can block deeper site entrances, restricting the space for enemies on the site. Since enemies may not always expect this, you could catch them off guard by removing a potential cover option on the site.

Other uses

Trap enemies to buy time. © Riot Games/EarlyGame

You can use Deadlock's Barrier also as a 'cage' to trap an enemy for some time.

Or you can boost yourselves up on things. This way, similar to Sage walls, you can eliminate enemies from sneaky angles!

C = Grave Net

You throw the Gravnet at locations where you suspect or know that someone is waiting behind a corner or where enemies will push out. It restricts the movement and forces enemies to crouch. You can also throw it on Spike Defusers. The only way to get rid of the debuff is by pressing the F key. Deadlock's Gravnet has the same drop angle as Viper's mollies or Killjoy's grenades. So, if you already have lineups ready, you can recycle them.

Additionally, you can combine the ability well with the Sonic Sensor.

Q = Sonic Sensor

This is where you can place the Sonic Sensor. © Riot Games/EarlyGame

The sensor is only triggered by sounds. This means it is anything but a reliable flank control. For this reason, the sensor should be placed in locations where enemies are likely to push without sneaking. It is best to position the sensor high or low on the wall so that it is less noticeable. It can also be placed directly on the Spike.

X = Annihilation

If you have even a hint of sadism in you, you'll have a special thrill with a successful Deadlock Ultimate!

Deadlock Ult
Let the ultimate bounce off walls. © Riot Games/EarlyGame

The Ultimate forms a straight line, pulling in anyone within that line. However, there are some tricks: Once Deadlock's Ultimate bounces off a wall, it creates a larger, circular effect radius. Also aiming more towards the ground rather than at head height, makes it easier to catch enemies.

Besides, it's good to know that you can use the Ultimate to boost yourself onto objects, just like with the Barrier.

Lineups: They aren't necessarily needed, but if you have nothing better to do, numerous lineups can be found on YouTube. The Ultimate can bounce off ceilings and other unusual spots, pulling enemies upward and causing them to die from fall damage.

Here's an example for the retake on Ascent: The ult lineup catches anyone hiding close to the generator:

This is where you have to stand for the lineup. © Riot Games/EarlyGame

Combine Deadlock's Abilities

Finally, you should combine your abilities effectively. For example, throw Gravnet as soon as someone destroys the barrier or activates the sensor. However, all of this comes with time and, as always, depends on the situation.That's it for the Deadlock guide. Enough of the theoretical stuff, let's get practical!

Ina Zukina

Hi, I'm Ina! Since I'm writing here a lot about Valorant, it makes sense that I'm a passionate gamer in my personal life as well. My love-hate relationship with Valorant has been going on for about a year and a half now. We've had our ups and downs. Occasionally, I also play MMOs for some nostalgic fun....