Valorant Agent 24: Everything We Know About The Upcoming Agent

At the beginning of 2023, Riot announced that this year 3 new Agents will be added to the Agent Pool, and the last one is coming very soon. Here's all we know about the upcoming Agent 24 of Valorant.

Valorant Agent 24 Teaser
Another Asian Duelist | © Riot Games

Valorant devs set a goal to release three agents this year, and the clock is ticking very fast for them as the year is about to end soon, and the last agent is not yet released. However, the recent teasers indicate that their work might be soon done, and they are slowly preparing us for #24, based on the leaks and teasers, get ready for a boom.

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Valorant Agent 24: Release Date

The most anticipated question of Valorant players is the release date of the upcoming Agents. The end date for #24 is by the end of 2023, and no actual date has been stated by the devs so far. But, based on the release trends of the last released Agents for the previous years (Chamber or Harbor), we should expect #24 to come somewhere around mid-November.

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Valorant Agent 24: Agent Role

We don't know much yet about what the agent will be and look like, but at least we know what role he is going to be. In the latest teaser, the Valorant Character Producer John Goscicki announced that Agent 24 will be a duelist, and we are finally getting our 7th Duelist added to the game.


Valorant Agent 24: Origin, Theories & Teasers

For now, we've only gotten a picture & a small teaser of one of the Valorant employees, which might seem like nothing, but the community has already figured out what to expect from the new agents' release. An X user named @uberchain has done his research well and might have a very realistic "conspiracy" about the new agent's origin.

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The picture that was released as a teaser from the Valorant team, seems to be an actual place in Singapore called "Uncle Fong's Chongqing hotpot". While the pictures do look similar/the same, the artists behind the picture could've just used the picture as an example/inspiration. Another thing that should be noted is that John said that in terms of the abilities, the players have been speculating in the right direction while talking about the new Agent, and that:

“This next Agent is for you. We’ve also got a little twist you never thought would make it into Valorant.” - Valorant Character Producer John Goscicki

This could be directed at the abilities, or it could indicate that the origin of the Agent is from a place we could never guess could enter as a place of origin of any of the Agents that are to be released. The last and only teaser left is the purple glowing circle that was added to the Battle Pass named the "Bulletproof" Player Card.

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In another Agent teaser, we saw that glowing circle in-game which could indicate that the next Duelist might have some sort of a teleportation ability. That's all we know so far about the upcoming duelist agent, make sure to stay tuned as more is to come very soon.


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Stefan Nikolovski

Stefan is obsessed with gaming as a whole but fell deeply in love with Valorant. He got to platinum just by playing Reyna and has felt like he is forever indebted to the community for that....