The official announcement is out and we can finally get a grasp of what his abilities and gameplay will look like. Here's all you need to know about the upcoming Chinese duelist.

Valorant Agent 24 is coming much sooner than you would expect, and it is always nice to know everything about the agents before they come out. In this article, we will show you when exactly you should expect him, what his abilities will be, his origins, and some teasers to put a cherry on the cake.
Valorant Agent 24: Release Date
As we stated before, Iso is coming much sooner than anticipated. The initial leaks were that Iso would come before the end of 2023, and knowing how deadlines work, everyone expected that to be late December. Surprisingly, Iso is coming in less than two weeks, on the 31st of October with the start of the new Episode 7 Act 3. If you wish to know when exactly the current Act will end, check out Valorant: When Does Episode 7 Act 2 End.
Valorant Agent 24: Abilities
Considering the fact that we haven't had a duelist released in so long, a lot of the players have their expectations quite high on Iso. His wait has been long, and we can finally see what his abilities will look like and will Iso finally shift the Duelist meta into something we are yet to see.
Iso (C) Ability: Contingency (Charges 1; Cost: 250 Credits)
His first ability is something similar to what Harbour offers with his Q but with the mechanic of his C ability. Once equipped, Iso assembles some sort of prismatic energy that once activated pushes an indestructible wall that blocks bullets.
Iso Ability: Contingency (C) | #VALORANTEQUIP to assemble prismatic energy. FIRE to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) October 19, 2023
Iso (Q) Ability: Undercut (Charges: 2; Cost: 200 Credits)
His second ability is a molecular both that can be thrown forward in the direction the agent is facing. Once it collides with any agent friend or foe, it applies a brief FRAGILE to them. The molecular bolt can pass through solid objects, walls included.
Iso Ability: Undercut (Q) | #VALORANT EQUIP a molecular bolt. Fire to throw it forward, applying a brief FRAGILE to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) October 19, 2023
Iso Signature Ability: Double Tap (Charges 2; Cost: 150 Credits)
This will probably give you some Reyna vibes, and smurfs will love to abuse it. Double tap is something similar to what Reyna offers but is yet unseen in any of the Valorant agents. Once activated, Double Tap starts a focus timer, which once completed turns Iso in a flow state. In that state, if he kills any of the enemy agents, an energy orb will appear above them. Shooting it will form a shield barrier that will protect Iso from the next damage instance. This instance could block a Raze ultimate or just a singular bullet from an enemy agent.
Iso Ability: Double Tap (E) | #VALORANTSTART a focus timer. Once completed, enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage generate an energy orb. Shooting this orb grants you a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source.
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) October 19, 2023
Iso Ultimate Ability: Kill Contract (Ultimate Points: 7)
If playing CS2 gave you some 1.6 vibes, especially the ones where you would play 1 vs 1 on some custom servers against your friends, we have some good news. Iso's ultimate will be just that. Once activated, you and the closest enemy agent will enter an interdimensional arena where you and the first enemy agent caught will have to fight in a duel to the death. The arena will be dismantled once any of the 2 agents gets downed.
Iso Ultimate: Kill Contract (X) | #VALORANT EQUIP an interdimensional arena. FIRE to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) October 19, 2023
Valorant Agent 24: Iso's Origin & Teasers
As we already predicted from our previous Agent 24 article, Iso will definitely be the second Chinese Agent added to Valorant. This will come as no surprise as the Chinese version of Valorant was launched earlier this year, and a lot of the new stuff will be directed there. Iso is coming soon, and while most are already speculating that his win rate might be extremely low until his first buff, we should just wait, and not judge this book by its cover.
ISO Cinematic | #VALORANT
— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) October 19, 2023

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