Act 2 will bring a balancing patch with itself and players are already hating on it. Tons of agent changes that won't be pleasing for the majority of players. Here are all of the changes that will come with Patch update 7.04.

Episode 7 Act 2 is coming in just a few days from now, and a new patch update will be released with it. Once Champions 2023 is over, a lot of the meta agents will be getting a balancing update which is expected.
Valorant Patch 7.04: Agent Updates
We will start off with the changes that you will probably be interested a lot in. Most of the changes are nerfs, and are made to as Riot states "sharply focused on increasing game state clarity".
The changes will include:
- Reducing the frequency of large area of effect of ultimate
- Reducing the amount of time utility is active in the world
- Reducing the HP of shootable utility
- We also believe the Ultimate cost updates below better align large area, high-impact ults with the pressure they place on the enemy, creating both a better pacing of the round-defining abilities and a clearer choice competition between high and low cost ults.
The change explanations are coming directly from Riot's report.
Here are the Agent Changes one by one:
Breach Changes Patch 7.04
- Aftershock (C):
Ticks will be reduced from 3 to 2 & Damage will increase from 60 per tick to 80.
- Rolling Thunder (X):
Ultimate Points needed for ability will increase from 8 to 9.
Brimstone Changes Patch 7.04
- Orbital Strike (X):
Ultimate Points needed for ability will increase from 7 to 8.
Fade Changes Patch 7.04
- Prowler (C):
The time to re-equip the desired gun after using the ability will be slightly longer
Gekko Changes Patch 7.04 (Major)
- Mosh Pit (C):
The Impacted area of the pit will do 10 DPS before exploding
- Wingman (Q):
The HP of the Wingman will be reduced from 100 to 80.
- Thrash (X):
The thrash explosion will have a little makeover to make it easier to see & better understand the area affected.
Killjoy Changes Patch 7.04
- Lockdown (X):
Ultimate Points needed for ability will increase from 8 to 9.
Omen Changes Patch 7.04
- Paranoia (Q):
No movement velocity will be imparted when casting.
Skye Changes Patch 7.04 (Major)
- Guiding Light (E):
The max duration while casting will be reduced from 2.5s to 2s.
- Trailblazer (Q)
The Trailblazer HP will be reduced from 100 to 80.
- Seekers (X)
Ultimate Points needed for ability will increase from 7 to 8.
The Seekers' Health will be decreased from 150 to 120.
Sova Changes Patch 7.04
- Recon Bolt (E):
The total number of scans will be reduced from 3 to 2.
Viper Changes Patch 7.04
- Viper's Pit (X):
Ultimate Points needed for ability will increase from 8 to 9.
Astra Changes Patch 7.04 (Major)
- Gravity Well (C):
The startup time will be increased from 0.6s to 1.25s.
The duration time will be decreased from 2.75s to 2.0s.
- Nova Pulse (Q):
Startup time will be decreased from 1.25s to 1.0s.
- Cosmic Divide (X):
The wall will now completely block audio rather than just make it muffled.
Jett Changes Patch 7.04 (Major)
- Tailwind (E):
Dash window will be decreased from 12s to 7.5s.
Activation windup will be increased from 0.75s to 1s.
- Cloudburst (C):
Duration will be decreased from 4.5s to 2.5s.
Re-equipping weapon time after using the ability will be slightly longer.
- Updraft (Q):
Charges will be decreased from 2 to 1.
- Blade Storm (X):
Ultimate Points needed for ability will increase from 7 to 8.
Valorant Patch 7.04 Updates - Summary & Details
These are all of the Agent updates that will be applied once Act 2 starts. The full patch notes aren't yet released, and we can expect a few minor changes as well once the patch is live.

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