Valorant Map Sunset: Details, Release Date & More

According to leaks Sunset is coming in less than two weeks with the new Act & Map Rotation. Here's all we know about it.

Valorant Map: Sunset
The Unofficial Map Wallpaper for Sunset | unconfirmed but if true © Riot Games

Twitter has been going wild these days about the latest rumors & leaks about Sunset joining the map pool. The whole theme lately during Champions has been around Los Angeles and anything that can be connected to its culture.

Sunset is coming, and based on the pictures that have been leaked so far will be a sunny/desert like map. It will be revealed on the 26th of August during the Grand Finals of Champions 2023.

Deadlock in the new teaser
A snapshot from the Map Teaser | © Riot Games


Valorant New Map Sunset: Sites, Details, Release

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Sunset will be based in Los Angeles, it will feature two sites and there will be no gimmicks. Gimmicks in Valorant can be portals, ropes, and anything that is unordinary and unique to a certain map.

Sunset Minimap
This is what the minimap will look like | © Riot Games

Apart from two sites, it will have two lanes from which the players can approach the playing field and from what the community thinks, its the most beautifully designed map so far.

[embed id=436641 darkmode=1]

The teaser looks like the map is in a sunny place and is most probably a Los Angeles map. Coordinates are not yet published, but we can expect to have them in no more than a week from now.


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Stefan Nikolovski

Stefan is obsessed with gaming as a whole but fell deeply in love with Valorant. He got to platinum just by playing Reyna and has felt like he is forever indebted to the community for that....