There are a lot of easter eggs and useful commands that you can utilize in your daily Valorant life. Here's all of them and what they are used for.

Console commands are your shortcuts to what can be a couple of seconds wasted for surrender or anything else that you wish to do. Surrendering and remaking aren't the only commands that you can use through the chat, and this article will show all of the available.
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Valorant All Chat Commands
We will start off with the chat commands as one of the most useful shortcuts right now in Valorant. Chat commands are issued in the chat input field, and always start with a dash "/".
Here they are:
Command | Description |
/team + message | Type in a message only for your team |
/all + message | Type in a message only for everyone in the game |
/party + message | Type in a message only for your party chat |
Enter + Tab + Name of Friend | Type in a whisper for someone from your friend list |
/r + message | Reply to a whisper |
/remake | When a teammate is disconnected and isn't coming back by Round 2, you can remake the match to not lose any RR |
/surrender | Instead of doing it through the settings menu, you can do it in chat console |
/cc | Copy the crosshair of the player you are spectating |
/yes | Alternative to F5 when voting |
/no | Alternative to F6 when voting |
/ff | Alternative to /surrender |
/concede | Alternative to /surrender |
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Valorant Shortcuts
The shortcuts on the other hand are hotkeys that can quickly get you to a certain setting or opening stuff that you might need. They are issued with a pre-designed hotkey that you can edit in your settings.
Here are the ones that you might not have known, and their default hotkeys:
Hotkey | Description |
M | Opens the Map |
. (dot) | Radio Commands: Menu Index |
, (comma) | Radio Commands: Wheel Index |
N | Combat Report |
L | Shows Teammate Loadout |
F1 | Agent Ability Tooltip |
- | Toggle Ghost Mode |
All of these and more can be found in the Controls tab in your Settings.

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