TikTok tricks have gotten trendy lately as there's a tip & trick for almost everything in the game. Here's a very needed one as Jett has been nerfed to the ground and anything helps in terms of her playing style.

The latest Valorant 7.04 patch update, brought a ton of updates, some of which were some pretty harsh Jett nerfs. If you haven't noticed what was nerfed, here's a short summary:
- Cloudburst - Duration decreased from 4.5 sec to 2.5 sec
- Updraft - Charges changed from 2 to 1
- Tailwind - Dash window decreased from 12 sec to 7.5 sec / Activation time increased from 0.75sec to 1 sec
- Blade Storm - Ultimate Points needed, increased from 7 to 8
This is a huge change, and if you're a Jett main you are probably very sad right now because of it. Smokes right now last less than the time needed to half a defuse, which is the biggest nerf from the latest patch.
How To Half A Spike With Jett Smoke
While all this is horrible for a Jett player, worry not, because we have something up our sleeve. One player has found a way to smoke as Jett and it's hilariously good. This new trick allows you to half a defuse just like you could before, but it has a trick.
New Jett tech to smoke defuse after the nerf! The new 2.5s smoke means that you can no longer stick half inside your smokeHOWEVER: You can throw your smoke in the air and bend it downwards to cover you as you defuse half pic.twitter.com/otJUhbYucI
— Kibzu~ (@SoraKibzu) August 30, 2023
The genius behind this Jett invention is Kibzu, who is a video editor who has previously worked with Fnatic. According to Kibzu: "You can throw your smoke in the air and bend it downwards to cover you as you defuse half". This means that the timing of the smoke is perfect as it lands on the player, giving some ample time to half the spike.
Cloudbursting To Victory
Here's the detailed explanation if you couldn't figure it out based on the video. What you need to do is point your mouse upwards, throw the cloudburst in the air, and bend it slightly downwards. You then afterward sit down, defuse the spike and the smoke will fall right on top of you, removing the enemy's vision of your Agent.
This post has since gone pretty viral, to the point where vladk0r who is a famous Valorant Content Creator reposted it saying “FNATIC video editor about to become VALORANT assistant coach for next year, wtf is this”. This is some awesome exposure for a very needed genius trick that all Jett players need right now to keep their main agent alive.
Since Jett is one of the most player agents still, we should expect more similar tricks like this one to appear as everyone will be motivated to explore the unknown in Valorant.

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