Have you ever noticed in Valorant that when you look at the agent numbers in order, there's one missing? Discover all the clues about the secret Agent 8 and unravel what might have happened to them!

Valorant's latest agent, Iso, was referred to as Agent 24 by everyone, but have you ever noticed that there are only a total of 23 agents? Right after Sage, who is Agent number 7, comes Phoenix with Agent number 9. Well, is Riot just bad at counting, or is this intentionally woven into the lore?
The Most Mysterious Agent in Valorant: Agent 8 - What We Know
There are some intriguing hints here and there suggesting that Agent 8 was once a part of the Valorant Protocol.
In the WARM UP Cinematic, there's a particularly interesting scene where Phoenix goes to his locker labeled with the number 9. To the left, there's a locker where the number marking has been scratched out.

So, yes, Agent 8 was part of the team in the past. But what happened to them or what might they have done? A locker with the number scratched out indicates that the missing Agent and the rest of the team didn't end things on good terms after all.
In the Revelation Trailer, you can spot the lockers too, but this time, they belong to Omega Earth. (The Earth we usually deal with in the lore is Alpha Earth).

Strangely, it looks like Agent 8's locker doesn't even exist in this world. Are they trying to hide this Agent's existence? Maybe the VP (Valorant Protocol) gave Agent 8 a mission in Omega Earth to cause trouble in Alpha Earth, but in the end, did the missing Agent mess things up with both Earths?
Yet, even Chamber once collaborated with the Mirror World and he was still forgiven in Alpha Earth, allowing him to remain in the Valorant Protocol. So, Agent 8 might have committed something extraordinarily serious to be banished. Who knows, maybe Chamber even has something to do with the mysterious Agent and his activities could be linked to his attempts to bring the Agent back to Alpha Earth.
Will Agent 8 ever be part of the story, or are they gone for good? There's a good chance that they could become a big deal in Valorant lore. Riot developer Joe Killeen confirmed they're not dead, so Agent 8 might come back someday.
The Hourglass Symbol And The Number 8
Since the first episode, we have consistently seen references to an hourglass symbol and the number 8, which could also represent an infinity sign:

| 7.07 PBE | Omen | First Memory | #VALORANT pic.twitter.com/06V6xQSBtR
— VALORANT Leaks & News (@VALORANTLeaksEN) September 23, 2023

The hourglass symbol and the 8 as an infinity sign could imply that Agent 8 might be stuck in a dimension where the space-time continuum is frozen.
Some are now speculating that an agent teased for over 2 years could fundamentally change the game. Maybe they'll have different abilities for the attacker and defender sides or something else entirely unique.
However, until then, we can only wait and see. In the meantime, there will surely be other agents released, continuing to expand the lore.