This Iso Ultimate Ability Bug Is Unfair

With just less than a week since Iso's release, we've seen a ton of bugs and unexpected features happening to the agent. The latest one is hilarious and very unfair to Iso, here's what it is.

Reyna160 DMG
160 damage seems not enough to down a Reyna in Iso Ult | © Riot Games

We've learned so much about Iso and all the gimmicky things in just a couple of days. Out of all of the gimmicky and buggy things happening, this one is probably the most game-breaking & frustrating one. You can see what exactly is going on in the picture above, and below we will explain in detail how & why this is happening.

New Iso Ultimate Bug Makes Reyna Unkillable

Imagine spending 7 Ult Points just to create a situation in which you buff the enemy. That sounds very wrong but is sadly the state of "Kill Contract" when ultying a Reyna that's overhealed. There were a couple of posts on Reddit that drew some attention to the problem, and below you can see the most hilarious one.

Reyna was headshot for 160HP but still didn't die. by u/PureTwo0 in VALORANT

We did some analysis, tried it out in a lobby, and here's the conclusion. This "bug" happens only if:

  • Reyna bought shield at the beginning of the round
  • Reyna is overhealed before entering Iso's arena

Once Reyna enters the arena, her shield gets replenished, but together with the overhealed buff. which means that if she had 50 shield at the start of the round, and is overhealed for another 50, inside the arena she will have a total of 200 HP to work with. In the Reddit post above, both players did 160 dmg to each other, but Reyna survived with 40 HP due to her having 200 total HP to work with. Some players argue that this is just a mechanic in the game that should work like that, and others say that it's unfair and a bug.

Reyna Iso Ulti Shield Healing
Yup, you saw it right, Reyna has 100HP+ Light Shield + 50 Overhealed | © Riot Games

This is most probably an unwanted interaction and will be fixed very soon by the dev team. It's unreal to have 100 shield on any hero and in any situation and is clearly an unfair bug that is happening right now.

If you're curious about all of the gimmicky things happening inside Iso's Ultimate, here's a small list of them:

  • Astra can place her stars inside Iso's Ultimate
  • Iso can trap Yoru clone inside his Ultimate
  • Reyna will keep her overhealed HP buff together with a replenished shield inside Iso's Ultimate

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Stefan Nikolovski

Stefan is obsessed with gaming as a whole but fell deeply in love with Valorant. He got to platinum just by playing Reyna and has felt like he is forever indebted to the community for that....