Butterfly knives are among the more popular knives in Valorant alongside the Karambit ones. If you're looking to buy one, here's a list of all of them, how they rank among the community and more.

The butterfly knives are "pocket knives" that can be foldable and are very popular in FPS games. The knives originate from the Philipines and are sometimes called fan knive or balisong. Their popularity rose in CS:GO as people loved the animation provided for them. Valorant picked that up and made a couple of them as well.
Valorant: All Butterfly Knives
In the Valorant skin collection, there are a total of five butterfly knives. We will first list them together with their price tag, and later on in the article rate them to help you on your butterfly purchasing pursuit.
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Yoru's Stylish Butterfly Comb (Cost: VP 3,550)

If your main Agent is Yoru, it's a pity to not have this melee skin in your collection. The butterfly comb is soon going to have its second birthday on the 21st of September, and it's soon going to be an oldtimer in the skins market. It was available via the VALORANT GO! Vol. 2 Collection, and is the only skin from that collection that you might see in present-day matches.
RGX 11z Pro Firefly (Cost: VP 4,350)

This is the most expensive butterfly knife, but not the most popular one. The RGX Firefly has four variants which you can use, and was available via the EP4 RGX 11z Pro Collection. The first collection featured a blade which is known to have one of the most amusing equips among the melee skins. If you decide to upgrade the firefly to level 2, it has a randomizer that changes colors while inspecting.
Black.Market Butterfly Knife (Cost: VP 3,550)

Once the Black.Market collection got out, this skin was the most exciting and anticipated one. The CS:GO inspired "original" butterfly knife has a standard price and the traditional look for the skin. If you're a CS:GO stan in the Valorant world, this is a must-have for your inventory. The skin doesn't have any variants and has the level 2 "Animation" upgrade available once you buy it.
Champions 2022 Butterfly Knife (Cost: VP 5,350)

The Champions 2022 Butterfly Knife was a part of the Champions 2022 collection and is the only butterfly knife that had a limited edition and will never show again in the store rotation. If you're not aware of how the store works, check out Valorant Store 101. It was the most costly one, and for many the best that there ever will be. If you like this one, you might want to turn your attention elsewhere or wait for Riot to release some sort of Special Edition bundle where this beauty will be added.
Recon Balisong Butterfly Knife (Cost: VP 3,550)

Balisong is what the people from the Philippines call the butterfly knife, and is one of the oldest Melee skins in Valorant. It holds some sort of a "trad value" and is probably the most seen skin from its collection. It is a part of the skin collections that appear in the Night Market, so don't be surprised when you get it on yours. Having a butterfly knife at a 50% discount sure is a good deal.
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Valorant Butterfly Knives Ranking
Five is a very low number for such a cool skin concept, and ranking them might be a bit difficult. For the ranking, we will take the community opinion, looks, and price and based on them you can get an idea of which one holds the better value. Skins in Valorant cannot be sold or refunded so make sure you take a good look and thought when purchasing one.
Here's how the butterfly knives rank:
- Champions 2022 Butterfly Knife - VP 5,350
- RGX 11z Pro Firefly - VP 4,350
- Black.Market Butterfly Knife - VP 3,550
- Recon Balisong - VP 3,550
- Yoru's Stylish Butterfly Comb - VP 3,550
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The Champions Butterfly is undisputed, and whoever has it probably holds it still even after a year has passed. Yoru's Butterfly Comb is as cool as the others, but it's just weird to have a Yoru-themed skin while playing another Agent. That would be all you need to know about the butterfly knives in Valorant, and we hope you have a clearer idea of which one you will buy once you get it in your store rotation.

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