Valorant Patch 6.0: New Map Lotus, Split Return, Map Rotation, & More

Patch 6.0 is finally here! And it brings massive changes to the game, including a new map, the return of Split, and much more.

Revelation is finally here. I ©Riot Games

Valorant Episode 6 has started, and it brings some massive changes to the game to kick off 2023. Patch 6.0, naturally, is filled to the brim with updates, from balance changes, a new map, Lotus, and rotations to the pool, a revamped Split coming back, and much much more.

Without further ado, let's get down to business and show you everything that's coming with patch 6.0.

Valorant Episode 6 Full Patch Notes

Split Map Changes

map split
Split is finally back with some changes. I ©Riot Games

One of the biggest thing is the return of Split with some massive changes to A site. B site and Mid also received some tweaks, making the entire map a bit more attacking friendly.

If you want to see a full breakdown we have a dedicated article for you to check out by clicking right here.

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Map Rotation

As we've mentioned previously, Valorant Episode 6 Act 1 will drastically change the map rotation, bringing Split back into the fray alongside debuting Lotus.

Meanwhile, Breeze and Bind will be removed. For how long? Only Riot knows. If you want a more detailed breakdown of what maps are part of the pool, we got you covered.

Agent Upates

Omen’s Dark Cover (E)

  • Dark Cover placed inside walls will now fall to the height of nearby ground. That means no more Omen one ways.

Competitive Updates

  • Episode Rank Reset
  • For all players: Ranked Rating gains/losses will depend slightly more on Win/Loss, and slightly less on the exact round differential of the match.
  • For players whose ranks are far away from their MMR: RR gains will depend more on individual performance, instead of round differential. You should also see your rank and MMR converge faster.

Progression Updates

Variant Favorites: added the ability to favorite specific Variants of your gun skins (along with some UX/UI changes to better support that)

Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino