With a new map hitting Valorant, it's time for players to learn the basics, including the layout, callouts, and more!

It's been a hectic few days for Valorant fans as Riot Games is gearing toward the launch of Episode 6 Act 1. We've covered everything from the reveal of a fresh Battle Pass to grind, a new premium bundle called Araxys to coincide with Episode 6's start, and of course, the reveal of the game's ninth map: Lotus.
Lotus, which was officially unveiled by Riot with an amazing cinematic, has a big particularity, being the first post-launch map to feature a three-site setup similar to Haven.
With all that said, let's take a look at Lotus in detail. We'll be checking out its layout, sites, minimap, and more.
Lotus Minimap
Get familiar with Lotus' setup by looking at the minimap down below:

Unlike Haven, which has a more structured three-site setup, Lotus seems like an absolutely chaotic maze that will have both attackers and defenders on the edge of their seats.
Lotus Callouts
Now that we've shown you a clean minimap, this is what the in-game callouts are for important locations within the map.

Rotating Doors and Breakable Walls In Lotus
The big gimmick of the map, on top of having three sites, are the two rotating doors that can serve to make your way to sites faster. Naturally, you'll be spotted almost immediately when you activate them and the minimap will actually show you which door is currently being used.
To activate a rotating door, simply walk towards this little switch and a prompt should come up.

There are two rotating doors. One directly heading to A site, and another one closer to C-Site. This is the A-Site door, take a look at the minimap and see that a small icon pops whenever it's been used.

The C-Site door looks like this.

We also have some breakable doors, the change colors depending on how much damage they've taken. Going from a very synergetic greenish to a fiery red when they're about to burst.
This is what they look like with no damage.

And this is what they look like when they're about to break:

Lotus Sites
We'll have a more detailed breakdown of how to attack and defend each site at a later date once we're more familiar but here's the general layout of each site.
A Site

A very tight sight that seems poised to be the perfect ground for a Sentinel to set up shop and hold as long as possible.
B Site

A rather strange, geometrically speaking, site. Big open space with an open rooftop. Maybe some sick lineups can be used here.
C Site

Taking control early on of C Site might swing things in your favor it could be a guaranteed win as an attacker. It's such an important high ground to take in a very confined space, retaking seems like a nightmare.

And that's it! We'll have more Episode 6 Act 1 content in the following days.
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