Being on-pair with the episodes and their length can be tricky but important to know. Here's when the current one will end.

The current Valorant Episode 7 Act 1 started on the 27th of June and over a month has passed since its release. It was a hefty patch including a new Agent, Game Mode & other things that made the game different for us.
When Will Episode 7 Act 1 End In Valorant
No act lasts forever and neither will this one. Each Episode is made up of three Acts, and the second is actually coming quite soon. When talking about Acts, the questions that usually bother people are when will Act 2 come, how long till the Battle Pass ends, and similar questions to these.
The current act which is the first one of this Episode will end on the 29th of August after a total of 63 days and with it, the current Battle Pass will also come to an end.
When Will Episode 7 Act 2 Start In Valorant
Right after Act 1 ends, Act 2 will be released together with a new Battle Pass.
The time of release should be around:
- Eastern Time - 5 PM
- Pacific Time - 2 PM
- CEST - 11 PM
- Indian Standard Time - 2:30 AM but on the 30th of August.
The new Act is not the only thing that's coming soon, as the Night Market is supposed to drop around the end-time of Act 1 in late August. Act 2 is expected to have a new patch with a few changes including Agent buff/nerfs, small map changes, Premier updates & more.

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