Three Game Modes We Would Love To See in Valorant

Since we are able to get tournament mode, basically the sky is the limit, right? And if the sky is the limit, we would ask for these three game modes.

Come on, Riot. | © Riot Games

Valorant is a game with so much potential that we will never be fully satisfied. We will always have a lot of fun with this game, but we will often grumble about what could be added. And that's what we'll kind of do in this article – we'll talk about game modes that could give quite a lot to Valorant and aren't Spike Rush style. Without further ado, let's go!

Pistol-Only Deathmatch

Pistol-Only Deathmatch
We need good ways to practice pistol rounds. | © Riot Games

Pistol rounds are often the most important rounds we play, and there aren't really any options in the game (other than The Range) that allow us to practice effectively with pistols. The Range is kind of bad in this matter because these robots aren't trying to kill us, and we don't move quite as we would in a match. So yeah, we really don't have anything viable.

The main problem in implementing such a game mode would probably be the issue of popularity and the risk of adding a "dead" game mode. But still, pistol-only Deathmatch mode would be such a game changer, and the popularity problem can be solved by reducing the maps and required player count accordingly. We are sure that implementing such a game mode would raise the pistol round standards at every level, even in ranks like Iron or Bronze. Like, the difference would be enormous.


Valorant Retakes
Another mode to improve the standards. | © Riot Games

Another thing that even Immortal players often struggle with is retakes, especially communication and synchronization during them. Like, watching retakes is usually a pain. Still, for some players, these situations can even cause a feeling of tilt or stress, so it's no wonder that retakes are often a festival of weird and bad plays. So, why not teach players to adapt to stressful situations by implementing Retakes mode as we know it from CS:GO?

Honestly, we all know that this game mode would be super popular, and we wouldn't even mind if it replaced Spike Rush. Honestly, if you could gain XP on it just as fast, we think no one would cry for Spike Rush if Riot would replace it with Retakes. We think that adding a Retakes mode in Valorant should not be as difficult as the one we will mention in a moment, and it could serve as a fun form of practice, just like the pistol-only Deathmatch (especially if there was some kind of reward or rank system to it).


Our last proposition would be a Wingman mode known from CS:GO. For those of you who don't know how it works – Wingman is basically a game mode that features a 2v2 gameplay on smaller version of popular maps. The smaller map and team sizes result in games being super fast-paced, which many of you would surely love. Plus, it is a great way to warm-up or just have some casual gameplay with your duo partner without queuing Unrated.

Actually, that would be the main reason we would like to see this game mode – because it's actually a fun idea for a casual game mode. As of now, we really lack something like that, and other game modes just don't do it well enough. So, why not? Again, adding a separated ranked system would surely help and would actually guarantee that people would play it.

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And what game mode would you add to Valorant? Be sure to let us know down in the comments and on our Facebook profile!

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Szymon Bielawski
Szymon Bielawski