If you're maining Viper, Sage or Omen and have been hearing their voice lines without knowing their background stories, you're in the right place. Here, you'll find out more about the dark incident that connects them.

Riot is known for infusing its games with well-thought-out and profound lore that adds depth to the characters. When it comes to Valorant's lore, there are still a lot of secrets to uncover and many theories are circulating. Let's get to the bottom of one of those theories, namely the shared past of Viper, Sage and Omen. You'll also learn some basic facts about each of the agents.

Fact sheet:
Name: Sabine Callas |
Origin: USA |
Class: Human |
Agent number: 2 |
Key role in the lore: Viper is after Brimstone the second member of the Valorant Protocol (VP). She's experienced and handles responsible tasks. Viper may come across as a harsh and self-righteous scientist, but she cares for the members of the VP. |
Like Brimstone, Viper also worked for the Kingdom Corporation (a successful energy corporation with unethical practices) before joining the VP. She was the Chief Scientific Officer, but there was an incident during her scientific work. Officially, not much is known, except that it was a turning point in Viper's life. Since then, she appears pretty hateful.
Voice lines reveal that Omen is an old friend of Viper. Omen says:
Just think, Sabine. You used to heal with your skill. Funny.
It appears that Viper might have worked as a doctor in the past. Nowadays, she poisons others.

Moreover, Viper harbors a grudge against Sage, as Sage seems to have let her down in the past. When Sage tries to offer Viper her help, she doesn't even think of accepting it.
Viper, have you thought about my offer? You don't have to-
Never, ever assume you can help me. You can't help me, you can't help them!
Another voice line of Viper gives us a hint:
Sage, you're the only one who can keep us alive. Don't fail us now like you failed me then.
Now, there is a well-known theory among lore fans that the past incident could be related to Omen. Viper would have counted on Sage to revive Omen, but something went wrong, and she turned him into what he is today. We will discuss it in more detail in Omen's section. Another voice line from Omen tells us that the incident might have changed both of them drastically:
Sabine, look at the monsters we've become. At least you have flesh to hide your horror.
Omen is pointing out that they both became monsters, except it's visible in Omen's case, whereas in Viper's case, it's likely attributed to her inner resentful state.

Fact sheet:
Name: Unknown |
Origin: Unknown |
Class: Radiant |
Agent number: 3 |
Key role in the lore: Of all the agents, Omen is the most mysterious one. He joined the VP right after Brimstone and Viper, and all three had previous connections with the Kingdom Corporation. His voice lines often deal with deep suffering and the meaning of life and death. |
We can't share much confirmed information about Omen, as he doesn't even know who he is himself. He's trying to regain his memories:
I'll kill that Omen. I'll take his memories. I will remember
Don't die here, Sabine. I need your secrets.
So, Viper definitely knows more about Omen and their shared past, but we don't know how much she has told him. She also seems to be the only one who knows Omen's name:
Joh- I mean, Omen. Keep yourself together, you're still needed.
The following voice lines emphasize Omen's suffering and his deep connection to life and death, suggesting that something terrible may have happened to him in the past:
They think they know pain? They can't begin to comprehend it.
Reyna, the souls you consume. Do you hear their voices as I do?
Not only Omen's voice lines but also his physical appearance show us that he is not really human. His armor glows light blue in any openings, like on his arms, chest and face. Also, he has a Kingdom logo on his purple cape.
A Riot dev confirms that Omen is physically able to influence things in the real world but cannot eat or drink.

Besides that, in animations, it looks like his body melts and splits in some places, especially when he teleports. A voice line suggests his body might have been split and put back together several times. This might have happened in experiments (probably by the Kingdom Corporation), which could explain his current state.
There is another of me? How many times did I get ripped apart? How many times did I die?
Furthermore, Omen appears to have trouble holding his current form and might need to focus to keep from falling apart, as he says:
I must hold together
Additionally, after Phoenix playfully mocks Omen for knitting at times, Omen responds that it helps him stay focused.
Now, onto the theory: Lore fans suspect that the Kingdom Corporation experimented with Omen when he was still a human.
Alternatively, he may have been a scientist and collaborated with Viper to test Radianite (a mysterious substance used, among other things, as an energy source) on himself. The goal was to artificially transform him into a Radiant. (Radiants possess supernatural abilities unlike ordinary humans.) In any case, Omen seems to have worked for Kingdom, evident from the logo on his armor.
Viper's voice line supports the theory that she was the one who conducted experiments on Omen:
One more time, Omen." *laughs* "How many times have you heard that now?
However, something went terribly wrong as Omen probably died and Viper sought Sage's help. But when she tried to revive Omen, she turned him into what he is now. Many also speculate that Viper and Omen were a couple.

Name: Ling Ying Wei |
Origin: China |
Class: Radiant |
Agent number: 7 |
Key role in the lore: Sage has a good-natured personality and takes on many leadership tasks in the VP. She recruits new agents and became their Radiant trainer. |
Sage always strives to help everyone on her team and uses her healing ability for their benefit. Despite her age, she appears to be wise, which may be attributed to her time at a monastery in China
However, Sage's healing abilities may not be able to be used without forfeitures. Omen and Fade both express their concerns that Sage's healing and resurrection abilities disrupt the natural balance of the world. Since Omen is often associated with death, the contrast is particularly striking, as Sage represents life with her abilities. Omen asks Sage:
Sage, the life you give, do you ever wonder where it's taken from?

There is a theory that the life force that Sage seemingly takes from nowhere during her healing and resurrection is actually drawn from individuals or souls in another dimension, to which Omen has access.
In Viper's and Omen's section, we addressed the theory of how Viper, Omen and Sage might have met in the past. Sage shows great compassion towards Omen, as she's probably aware of his past:
I wonder what torture their Omen is going through. Is it like ours? Poor soul.