Valorant Premier Global Open Beta - How To Play, Start Date & More

Riot Games finally revealed details regarding the upcoming Premier Mode Global Beta so here's everything you need to know.

Premier beta
It's about time. I ©Riot Games

We've heard a lot about a potential tournament mode being added to Valorant, and just a few month ago we finally learn that it would be called Premier Mode.

With an initial beta held in Brazil, now, players from around the globe will get a chance to participate in what could become the next step in the Valorant esports ecosystem, one that would allow almost anyone to try and become the next TenZ.

We got all the information you need regarding the Premier Mode Global Open Beta right here.

Valorant Premier Global Open Beta - How To Play & Schedule

The Valorant Premier Global Open Beta will launch on April 25. It will end on May 23. It'll be divided into three sections:

  • Enrollment period: Apr 25–28
  • Weekly Matches: Apr 29–May 20
  • Playoff Tournament: May 21

On May 3, a test tournament will be held to make sure the servers work properly for the final playoff tournament at the end of the Open Beta. Keep in mind none of the match history from this beta will carry over to the final release.

To be eligible to compete in Premier Mode, make sure to verify the following:

  • Identity - Through account verification via SMS verification
  • MMR - By finishing your placements at any point in your account lifetime

If you’ve already completed placements, you will automatically skip to the next step and just see the option to “CREATE A TEAM”.

Once the season starts you'll be able to swap roster members as long as it doesn't affect in which division you'll be playing.

How To Queue For Matches

Follow these next steps once the matches begin on April 29 to make sure you don't miss matches.

  • On the Premier Hub, there's a button that will take you directly to the Premier lobby. When the queue window is open, you'll be able to enter the queue when you have your party together.
  • You can also go directly to the lobby using the Play button in the top nav, then clicking over to the Premier tab.

Valorant Premier Global Open Beta - Rules

The rules for OT are different in Premier:

  • The first team to win 12 rounds gains Overtime Priority
  • Team with Overtime Priority chooses Starting Side for Overtime by voting, using a simple majority of the 5 players
  • Teams must win by 2. Every round, teams swap sides.
  • If 2 sets of Overtime have been played, play one final round of Sudden Death
  • Sudden Death side choice is whatever the team with Overtime Priority chose during Overtime Starting Side Choice Phase

Premier Global Open Beta - Map Bans

  • During map pick and bans, teams take turns banning maps. All members on the team can vote on which map to ban, and the party leader locks in the team's choice.
  • The process alternates between teams until a map is chosen. The team that did not choose the map then gets to choose if they'd like to attack or defend.
  • Map pick and ban is only available in Tournament matches.

Finally, remember that if you lose a match you'll be put into the consolation bracket where you can play for third. For a full FAQ check out Riot's website.


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Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino