Riot Games Finally Nerfs Chamber To The Ground

Chamber has been dominating the meta virtually since his release, and Riot has had enough, bringing massive nerfs across the board with patch 5.12.

goodbye chamber
Chamber meta might be dead. I © Riot Games

Ask and you shall receive, even if takes far too long, Chamber has been nerfed. Nerf is putting it lightly, to be fair, as he was completely gutted with the upcoming patch 5.12.

Sure, the Sentinel had some slight changes in the past but they did virtually nothing to put him down on the Valorant Agent tier list, still dominating the meta at all ranks and even the pro scene.

Now, don't expect these changes immediately the next time you log in to Valorant, they were simply revealed ahead of patch 5.12, which should be coming to the PBE before hitting the live servers.

Chamber Patch 5.12 Nerfs

Headhunter (Q)

Updated Stability Curve

  • Spread increased after 2nd bullet, when spamming. This is explicitly meant to reduce low-precision body-shot spam as an effective combat measure.

Rendezvous (E)

  • Chamber now places a single anchor that can be teleported to while inside its range
  • Radius increased 15m >>> 26m
  • Removed teleport activation height restriction. You can teleport to the Anchor while on different verticality so long as you are within its radius.
  • Increased weapon equip time after teleporting 0.4s >>> 0.7s. Headhunter is unaffected by this change
  • Destroying Rendezvous teleport anchor now disables it for the remainder of the round, instead of being placed on a cooldown. Chamber no longer incurs an additional cooldown when recalling his Anchor after teleporting.

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Trademark (C)

  • The trap is now range restricted. Trademark will disable when Chamber moves out of range, and reactivate once he is inside.
  • Can now be recalled mid-round. Does not require line of sight
  • 30s cooldown on recall. Destruction remains permanent
  • Initial Arm Time increased 2s >> 4s
  • Health Increased 1 >> 20

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Tour De Force (X)

  • Fire rate decreased by 57.5%

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  • This applies to both Trademark and Tour De Force. Reduced duration 6s >> 4s

And that's it! Do you think the Agent will finally stop dominating the Valorant meta?

For more content:

Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino