All Fracture Changes With Patch 5.07

Fracture has been one of the most divisive maps for Valorant fans since it released and it seems Riot Games has been diligently working to make it more accepted.

Could Fracture become playable now? I ©Riot Games

Valorant maps need time in the oven before developer Riot Games decides to release them for fans to enjoy, first with a trial period before putting slotting them into ranked.

It's a slow, methodical process which is why, since the game's release in 2020, we've only seen a total of four maps added to the pool, with the latest one, Pearl, releasing over three months ago in late June.

Sadly, it seems the devs have missed the mark each time they've launched a new one, as all of them have undergone big changes due to community response being overwhelmingly negative at first. From Icebox to Breeze, and even the latest one, Pearl, now, the fourth and perhaps most requested map joins the pool of those that have received a major rework - Fracture.

Fracture Valorant Rework Comparison

With early leaks spoiling the surprise, the Fracture rework seems to have been incredibly well received, at least on paper. On October 4, Riot Games unveiled in great detail all changes and posted some nifty side by side comparisons.

Take a look at all the changes down below:


Opened a cubby to make it easier for Attacking side to hold against Defender aggression from both directions.


Fracture 1 before
Arcade Fracture. I ©Riot Games
Fracture 1 after
Arcade Fracture. I ©Riot Games

B Site

"Jump” up has been changed to a ramp directly onto the site platform, which should make moving around that space more straightforward.


Fracture 2 before
B Site Before. I ©Riot Games


B Site After. I ©Riot Games

B Generator

Space here tightened slightly to make smoking this spot easier. A small corner has also been removed to simplify attempts to re-clear the site.


Fracture generator
Fracture Generator. | © Riot Games


Fracture Generator. | © Riot Games

Defender Spawn

Removed a small cubby to slightly simplify those retakes.


Fracture defender
Fracture Defender Spawn. | © Riot Games


Frac def
Fracture Defender Spawn. | © Riot Games

A Halls

Improved movement and simplified the space in A Halls by removing a corner.


Fracture A Halls. | © Riot Games


Fracture A Halls. | © Riot Games

A Site

A minor simplification of the space as part of the overall changes to the surrounding areas.


A site fracture
Fracture A Site. | © Riot Games


Fracture A Site. | © Riot Games

A Dish

The dish is intact but removed the far path to make moving through this space more direct for both sides. Riot found trying to watch/control these spaces simultaneously was unnecessarily difficult for all. The team hopes the changes here and on A Drop will encourage everyone to use this route more often.


A dish va
Fracture A Dish. | © Riot Games


Dish frac
Fracture A Dish. | © Riot Games

A Drop

The drop down is no longer a 50/50 check when entering, which should make it a little more appealing as a way for Attackers to squeeze A site from two sides.


A drop
Fracture A Drop. | © Riot Games


Drop a
Fracture A Drop. | © Riot Games

A Rope

This path has been a little too easy for Attackers to control with a single smoke. The adjustments should give Defenders more options for both the initial hold and retaking A. Watch your step.


Rope a
Fracture A Rope. | © Riot Games


Rope as
Fracture A Rope. | © Riot Games

And that's it! Will this make Fracture a playable map for you? In all honesty and at first glance, it does look like Riot's going in the right direction with these changes.

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Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino