Valorant Champions 2023: Team Liquid & FPX Are The First To Go Home

Day 5 brought us the first elimination games, and we already saw two teams say goodbye to the main stage.

Team Liquid VALEL
Team Liquid's VCT journey ends here | © Team Liquid

Elimination games have so much at stake, people even dare to compare them to the grand finals ones. We had two of them at day 5 of Champions and two teams are already out of the event.


The first game of the day was LOUD versus Team Liquid, and we were expecting one heck of a game from both sides. Being on the verge of going home, sends very strong mental challenges at which point anything can happen.

Loud already suffered an upset at their opening game versus DRX, and the pressure was on top of their shoulders. The Brazilians had to step up & show up, and exiting the event and their title defense this early was not an option.

TL gave Haven to Loud, and they didn't take it for granted. They abused their Map pick perfectly and aced a 10-2 lead at halftime, sending a strong message that the DRX upset didn't touch them one bit. In the second half, they easily closed the Map out with three straight round wins and secured Map 1 for themselves.

Team Liquids Map pick was Split, and we could see some sort of an improvement in Map 2, but that wasn't enough to stop the hot Brazilians. The first half finished 6-6, and it was anyone's game at that point. In the second half, Liquid won the pistol round, and continued with another one in the second round, but got annihilated afterward losing 7 rounds in a row and being the first team to exit Champions 2023.

These are the match results:

  • Map 1 Haven: LOUD 13-2 Team Liquid
  • Map 2 Split: LOUD 13-8 Team Liquid
  • Decider Map Lotus: DNP

T1 Overpowers FPX & Survives Group B

Heading over to the second elimination game of the day we have two Asian teams that fought to survive their Group B. T1 had one of the fastest and cleanest pistol rounds, and started off FPX's Map Pick Lotus on fire. Lotus went back and forth for both games and after several clutches and outplays, T1 managed to secure FPX's map pick and win it 13 to 10.

FPX caught the last train to Champions and was the third Chinese team to qualify for Champions Los Angeles. Bind was their opponent's map pick, and they had to fight their way out, and force a Map 3 to keep their Champions hopes. AAAY had a solid performance and even managed to get a 4K in the fifth round, but that wasn't enough as T1 finished the first half 9-3.

T1 couldn't continue their momentum after winning the pistol round and they lost 4 straight rounds afterwards. Viewers believed that the 9-3 curse will strike again, but T1 proved them wrong. At the 18th round, they won a crucial round after which they won Map 2 13 to 7, making FPX the second team to leave Champions in the group stage.

These are the match results:

  • Map 1 Lotus: T1 13-10 FPX
  • Map 2 Bind: T1 13-7 FPX
  • Decider Map Ascent: DNP

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Stefan Nikolovski

Stefan is obsessed with gaming as a whole but fell deeply in love with Valorant. He got to platinum just by playing Reyna and has felt like he is forever indebted to the community for that....