Valorant patch 6.11 is a good one, with plenty of changes coming to several things including Agents and maps.

Valorant patch 6.11 brought a lot of changes to the game as we had anticipated. Some of these include much needed buffs to Chamber and a rework to Pearl.
Sadly, Viper got hit with some major nerfs, making the character that isn't one of the most popular ones, already less viable in ranked play.
So with all that said, this is everything coming to Valorant with patch 6.11.
Valorant patch 6.11 - All notes
Weapon Updates
- Reserve ammo adjusted from 10 >>> 6
- Price adjusted from $150 >>> $300
- Damage at no fall-off adjusted from 12 >>> 11
- Damage at first step fall-off (7 meters) adjusted from 8 >>> 6
- Min spread increased from .45 >>> .65
- Spread curve adjusted
- Maximum spread reached in 5 bullets instead of 6
- Recoil pitch curve adjusted
- Maximum recoil will be reached in 5 bullets instead of 6. Total recoil is lowered to compensate.
Recoil Adjustments
Vertical Recoil Multiplier While Running:
- Phantom: 1.5 >>> 1.8
- Spectre: 1.5 >>> 1.8
- Vandal: 1.5 >>> 1.8
- Frenzy: 1.25 >>> 1.5
Phantom/Vandal Ammo Reserve
- Phantom Reserve ammo adjusted from 90 >>> 60
- Vandal Reserve ammo adjusted from 75 >>> 50
Agent Updates - Viper

- Fuel Regeneration
- Reduced regeneration per second 5% >> 3.3%
- Regenerate to max fuel once empty 20s >>> 30s
Rendezvous (E)
- Reduced weapon equip time after post-teleport lockout 0.7s >>> 0s
- Trademark (C)
- Disable range 4000 >>> 5000
- Trap arm speed 4s >>> 2s
- Tour De Force (X)
- Firing rate increased by 15%
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